Holy Week as a Priest: Easter Day

4.58am Early in the morning, on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary went to the tomb. When she got there, she found that the tomb was open and empty, apart from neatly folded graveclothes. She ran back to tell the others. Peter and another went to see if it [...]

Holy Week as a Priest: Easter Saturday

8.57am This morning I'm at church to open up for the ladies who are decorating the space in preparation for tomorrow's celebration. I'm also going to learn how to change the altar frontal because on Thursday night I had no idea how to do it! It's probably a fairly useful skill to have, as a [...]

Holy Week as a Priest: Palm Sunday

Can it really be a year since I was blogging my way through my first Holy Week ordained?! Doesn't time fly! I've decided to blog every day this holy week as well because, as a Priest, it will look different to last year in a few ways. So I'll write as I go throughout the [...]